Daily progress of painting Mycenaean chariots. Still some work to do with horses and of course the crew.
Painting of the horses, paints and steps:
1. Bright ones body (buckskin - jasnobułany):
Bronze Fleshtone as a base
Sepia Wash
Bronze Flashtone
Pale Sand
2. Red cover on a horse:
Khador Red Base (P3) + Flat Red
Lavado Shade
Flat Red
Orange Fire
3. Brown ones (bright sorrel - jasnogniady):
Parasite Brown
Sepia Wash
Flat Brown
Iraqui Sand / Pale Sand
4. Turquoise Cover on a horse
Blue Grey Wash
Pale Sand
5. Chariots Wooden parts
Bronze Fleshtone
heavy Sepia Wash
Ice Yellow, only on the most extended surface (pre-lightening)
flattening with diluted Bronze Fleshtone
6. Chariots Cowhide
on white basecoat - Flat Brown (irregular vertical strikes of brush)
some Sepia Wash on the edges
7 Chariots frame:
Beige Brown
Sepia Wash
Iraqui Sand