It is hard to enjoy anything these days... On the other hand it is also hard to stay home and let dark thoughts to overcome you. Better spend time with friends and while you are with friends, do what you like to do together - have a game of Mortem et Gloriam.
Here is my roster:
Extra points (comparing to usual roster on 7500) I used to increase quantity of my shock cavalry. 5 TuGs in total + elephants. 3 units of longspears/pikemen are supposed to lock the most threatening path of enemy advance.
Battle 1 - vs. Parthians
Parthian roster:
This version of Parthia has a solid infantry core - 3 tugs of legionaries are a major threat. When charging they are basically just as efficient as my cavalry and in prolonged fight they are equal or better. My infantry stands no chance against them. However the main problem are superior cataphracts, especially with a legendery general - powerful combination that has a file with +5 claims in most scenarios!
I was outscouted by 20% which made impossible to optimise the setting of my army, so there is nothing special about it. Center made of infantry, right wing with my better cavalry units and the left got elephant support. The enemy clearly plans to delay my center, engage my right with his cataphracts and break my left with legionaries and supporting them cavalry.
Round 1 and 2
The first round seen basically no action, obviously. My right wing pushed far forward making cataphracts of Partians on 'stand by' and not moving at all. On the other hand, Romans pushed towards my left which did its best to prepare for a strike.
The good thing is that the next turn will be my active so I can prevent Romans from charging my elephants flank. Cataphracts are tough for sure, but should not hold my elephant charge.
The problem is that my cavalry can not hope to hold enemy for long. Will need support and there is a plan for that.
On the right I am forced to go 'all in'. No point in delaying any action as it will only make my units weaker due to parthian horse archers in the center. So far I took no relevant damage, partially due to the fact that the left unit of my mounted force are resilient cataphracts.
Round 3
On my left, despite some shatters I am unable to deliver any serious damage. Suffered even more than caused. Longspears with a main commander rush to support the wing. But can they make it in time?
On my right the situation is slightly better as superior cataphracts of the Parthians evaded fight for now. That gives me some chance due to local superior numbers. 2 TuGs of spearmen will run to help, but the distance is rather too big for them to make it.
Here is the situation at the battlefield at the end of the 3rd round. With some lucky rolls my left wing holds strong and Romans suffered some losses. Pressure from the center made 1 unit of Romans to fall back and they left me the opening for a flank charge by Indian Spearmen who can support Iranians now. On the right there is a stalemate, both sides can still win this.
Round 4
I marked with and X a key spot on the battlefield. Elephants finally trampled Parthian cataphracts and caused rout of 2 SuGs. Incoming further KaB also impacted Roman infantry. On my far right the situation is also pretty good - another Parthian cataphracts unit was broken. But the Royal cataphracts had entered the action and they certainly can deliver a punch.
Round 5
In top right corner a funny situation marked. My Iranians charged a poor, unskilled archers and... died from the shooting. My unit was 1 wound from break, true, but those archers were worth 17p a base and scored 2 points anyway ;)
Clash between my best cavalry and best Parthian cavalry. Who can win? Spearmen are slowed down by horse archers and it is pretty clear they will not be engaged in any melee during this game.
On the left Romans were charged by my infantry but with no result. Fortunately, my cavalry holds the ground even though it was not expected since they generally lose by 1-2 claims.
Here is the battlefield in the end. In the top right corner only my Xystophoroi survived. Cataphracts from both sides are all killed or routed. Romans on the left are basically surrounded. But I have 2 TuGs that are 1 wound from breaking so with a bit more luck for Parthians it could have ended differently. Final result: 15:5 for Bactria!
Battle 2 - vs. Early Campanians
Campanians roster:
This army has basically everything! Good melee cavalry, lots of solid melee infantry, some light infantry and cheap skirmishers. Cherry on the cake are protected skirmishers - a rare thing in the game. Very difficult opponent for my, mainly mounted, army. To make things even more challenging - my opponent had way more orders at his disposal.
Round 1
Sorry for lack of photo of the initial battle order. But it is still pretty clear where units were standing in the very beginning.
I concentrated my best units on the left wing. Cataphracts, Xystophoroi and most of spearmen/pikeman. They faced skirmishing units, solid force of longspears and some light cavalry. The center is my weak spot - light infantry+spearmen+elephants are not the best combination to hold on early Roman order infantry (now, when I look at it, I think I should have positioned my light cavalry in the center - it was obvious that my opponent would field solid melee infantry there). Campanian center had also cavalry support. My camp was not positioned properly - rookie mistake :(. On my right I positioned 3 units of shock cavalry and 1 SuG of light cavalry. Some of those forces will need to support the center. The rest will need to attempt to break Campanian main cavalry force.
Long story short - I really did not how to lead this battle and I had seen no weak points in the enemy line.
Round 2
The situation developed fast. Left wing moves forward but has to keep caution since there is a risk of outflank because I keep my underforced center in the back. My opponent rushes for the center (wisely!). On my right wing we have an immediate cavalry clash. Quite even match so all depends on colour dice...
And dice were so much in my favor! Full serie of shutters delivered powerful punch in the face of Campanian cavalry!
Round 3
Fairly passive round on the wings. But in the center...
I was charged and immediately suffered losses. Fair revenge for my luck with cavalry charge a round before. On the bright side - Elephants managed to flank legionaries and forced 1 base to enter wheat field which gave me an edge and hope to last for a while. Of course now I am exposed to charge of light infantry hidden in the field now.
And here is the situation in the end of the 3rd round. My longspearmen are broken already! Hungry for loot italiotes rush for a camp, ignoring fight that is still ongoing in the center.
On the right, my cavalry stucked in a deadly fight, winning, but not breaking enemy yet. Unit of iranian cavalry was forced for a desperate engagement against long spears of legionaries. Bactrian light horse distract Campanian cavalry.
Xystophoroi start to chase (with a little chance to actually catch) enemy medium cavalry, but there is no other option. Cataphracts face longspearmen - what a waste of potential of my cavalry :( Infantry tries to cover as much area as possible to negate any flanking attempts.
Round 4
My right wing finally breaks enemy cavalry but the camp is a far away and other enemy units even further. Two groups in the center still engaged with a good result - one unit of legionaries is broken and iranians still lock another one. Of course camp is at threat.
Situation on the left wing finally came to a fight. Neither side was really eager for that as none was able to obtain any kind of local superiority. And the result was as epxected - stalemate and a bloody one indeed. Every unit in melee suffered losses, but none are at the break point. And we are slowly running out of time...
Round 5
Here is the situation in the very end of the game. In the top left corner there are Xystophoroi who finally managed to chase enemy cavalry from the field. Similar success achieved Campanian cavalry in the bottom right corner pushing out my lighthorsemen. Further melee in the center resulted in my Iranians to be killed by legionaries, but elephant stood still. Fighting on the left were inconclusive.
Very, very difficult battle for me, basically all advantages of my army were suppressed by smart play by the enemy and the fact he had counter roster to mine. With a sheer luck only and time gone I was able to win 8:6.