Standing on the hill top Basileus Markos II had a good sight over the terrain, that was supposed soon to become a battlefield. Mongol Hordes, led by Kuchar Khan, gathered many heathen people of the frontier and marched into the Empire lands. The last glimpse at the forces preparing for battle. On the left flank there were knights in red tunics and with the white crosses. In order to stop attackers, the Emperor sent the most kind letter, backed with a chest of gold, to Szafa de Tulce - Grandmaster of the Knights of the Saint John. Urging him to combine forces and stop pagans. Byzantine army on its own was not as formidable as in the days of glory, so all help was necessary. On the right, there was a thematic force led by a Magister Militum Wojciechos, able and faithful commander. The main Byzantine Army led by the Emperor himself stood in the middle.
The enemy occupied the rough terrains, clearly preparing the ambush. Nasty tricks by Pagans were certainly expected. Chieftains Peter forces were preparing to face Latin Knights. Mongolic Horde concentrated their army in the center, and Warlord Ben with a his fearsome warriors was about to face Christians right wing...
The battle has started slowly. It seemed that pagans had some plans that could not entirely be fulfilled, which brought a confusion in their lines. Allies mostly stood their ground, except for some minor volleys exchange, typical for an early stage of battle.
The second round brought as surprise - full Mongol assault! Magister Militum Wojchiechos anticipated this action, but Latins were too arrogant to consider such a move. But their arrogance turned out to be a well grounded as this massive charge turned out to be mostly unsuccesfull, demoralising Kuchar Khans forces. With a supportive action of Byzantine center, most of the fearsome steppe riders lied dead on the battlefield.
Heathens also tried some charges at right wing Byzantine force, but those also were not much of a success... A few aimed volleys of arrows made pagans hesitatant and soon - broke them completly.
The battle was as short as it was intensive, ended with a major Byzantine victory over Pagan People and Mongols.
About the Saga Epic itself. Very climatic scenario, with an experience of a trully major battle. Nearly 300 models on the table!
On the other hand, some rules seem to be confusing. The balance of some factions, combined with Inspiration mechanics, is a bit off. But we agreed that we would like to give it another try, likely in a different era.
All in all - it was fun!